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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Anything wrong cannot be accepted in the name of being practical

In today's competitive world the line between good and bad, right and wrong is becoming thinner every day. The new generation is full of go getters and target oriented people who want to achieve success at all expense.

The biggest expense paid by them is compromising on their moral and ethical values in the name of being practical. Anyone who wants to voice a opinion against something wrong is considered as a fool and carries the fear of acceptance from the world.

So accepting things the way they are doing wrong thing is the pratical mantra of today's time.
But I remember a dialogue from the movie Runaway Jury where Dustin Hoffman says thats its more important for him to not have any burden on his heart when he puts his head on the pillow in the night.

People like to have company of people who are like them and who do not give a strong call to wake their consious.

So where is this all leading to. Well it matters on what we believe in. If you think that heaven and hell is all here on Earth itself then follow what is easy and the in thing.

If you believe that your journey will continue ahead after death then for sometime atleast listen to your heart.

If all this does not makes a difference to you just try to help someone poor and then think.
Being practical is good when you have a line defining right and wrong. With no such definition you are atcually being the most impractical person.

A line from the Holy Quran says "Too much of anything is injurious to health".

Being too much practical is injurious to one's mental health.

Take care
God Bless


Amisha Mehta said...

you are right too much of anything is bad so too much of morals and rigidity and too much of practicality and flexibility is bad. a balance needs to be brought. it is not that practical people dont have emotions they just attach emotional value to different things. for eg: one person might attach importance to family and might not work when someone is not well. but another person will go to work because he knows that he needs to earn money to cure the disease.
its not that either is wrong they are two ways of looking at things. you must be tolerant enough to understand and accept others values with them.

Husein said...

Hi. Thanks for ur comment. Just wanted to say one more thing. I still feel that when being practical one has to define rights and wrongs because in order to strike a balance one should not do wrong and then justify oneself. For eg : Someone who is in need of money may rob someone and may justify himself saying that he needed it desperately and was just being practical. Values when good are accepted by almost all. Therefore the values in which we believe in should be the right ones. Take care. Almighty Bless.

Amisha Mehta said...
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