Before you go ahead an click on the links just a small info on the contents of this website.

If you are looking for some lovely stories, some romantic and emotional tales, some tech savy ideas or come candy floss Yash Chopra type stories sorry this is the wrong place for it.

The thoughts over here are realistic, unusual and hard hitting. Some may find them different and some may find them weird. For some its lots of gyaan and for some it’s something they already know.

So go ahead with the right expectation.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Some Things that we all know

There are certain things in life that we all know but sometime that them for granted. At times we know that we are ignoring them but dont know the reason for it.

So whoever is reading this is really thinking that what all gyan this guy is trying to give us.
Well to think of we all dont have time for gyan specially coming from others in today's times.

Lets think about our friends. So all of us have lots of friends. So how many you can count out of your friends who have really stood by you in your testing time. And how many have you helped in their testing times. So its good to have so many people added on Orkut or Facebook. And to have so many people in our contacts on your mobile phone. But how many of these do you classify as someone whom you can bet on that they will be there when needed.

The answer is we are all searching at all times for those really close friends. We are adding people on Orkut, chatting with them on messengers because thats the best medium left to communicate. We all do not have time to meet each other regularly. So its most time saving and easy way to stay in touch.

So can you trust someone unknown on the net? if yes then to what extend?

And do we make friends at workplace. Well if you look at the a relationship at work starts mostly because of work and if thats not happening properly it affects the relationship also.
So the definition of friendship changes in a lot of ways for all of us. Its different on Orkut, or on messengers, or at workplaces. Its a relationship of convienience more then friendship. There is an expectation attached to everything.

So whom do we call as a gem of a friend.

Like I said before Some Things that we all know. The quote should not be "A friend in need is a friend indeed" but should be "A friend who is there in need unconditionally is a friend indeed"
At this point I can say that I have earned something special in life. I have come accross some really good human beings who are my friends. And this relationship has extended as to me they are family now.

There is a beautiful saying "One should have quality friends and not quantity friends"
So a simple advise we being a social animal need to communicate with people. So go ahead and meet people on orkut, messengers etc. but make sure you know who your real friends are.
Again you already know this. You just need to implement this.

1 comment:

Amisha Mehta said...

i like your definition of friendship but there are times when you just cannot from such deep bondings with people and maintain them. circumstances and choices both are responsible. but remember to cherish the memories of those with whom you shared a good moments. it is these moments that make a lifetime of memories. and when you grow old you will need them.